Submitted by PhoenixFish on Thu, 2018-12-27 11:28 Tug Hill/ Black River - 589 Vote Up Down +6 + Tug Hill Black River TU Meeting Minutes Dec 11, 2018 Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by president Garrett Brancy with 8 members present. Treasury report: $733.87 + and additional $155.00 collected from the raffle which will be deposited and show in next month’s treasury. Garrett introduced David “Rocky” Rockwell who presented about Hot Winter Flies for Steelhead. He started out by saying “There are no hot flies. Only hot presentations. Without a good presentation, even the best flies will not produce.” He then proceeded to talk briefly about a dozen categories of flies that produce strikes depending on stream conditions, time of year, light, water clarity and time of day. Included were many categories of egg imitations, nymphs, stone flies, caddis, flesh flies, soft hackles, fry imitations and swinging flies. There was much discussion about confidence; if the angler has confidence in the fly, they tend to have better luck due to their commitment to focusing on presentation and fishing well. In closing Rocky quoted an acquaintance who, whenever he was asked “What are they eating?” he replied, “Good presentation.” Paul Miller reported on the Trout and Salmon in the Classroom projects. Brook trout eggs were delivered to Camden Middle School on Nov 26 and began hatching almost immediately. Eggs for the Salmon projects should arrive in mid-January for Camden, Immaculate Heart in Watertown, BOCES in Verona and New Hartford and Altmar-Parish-Williamstown High School. The multiple efforts by NYSDEC to engage anglers regarding Salmon River and Lake Ontario tributary, Lake Ontario fishery management, and trout stream management were discussed, all generally receiving positive feedback for the efforts and energy the Bureau of Fisheries is putting forth. An updated brook trout management plan is being contemplated by the department. The Chapter’s Conservation Fund grant request to help with a Tu Hill brook trout DNA project is still pending. It was discussed and decided to include macroinvertebrate identification and water chemistry work with the effort. John Propster reported on the Mexico Project healing Waters fly tying effort which has several participants each Monday night at the Mexico VFW on Scenic Avenue. Garrett reported that the Chapter’s International Fly-Fishing Film Festival event will take place on April 13 at Tailwater Lodge in Altmar. The Chapter held a “Dirty Bingo” gift exchange where members brought wrapped gifts. Taking turns members chose and unwrapped a gift. The next member could choose a new gift or steal a gift from someone who had already opened a gift. Some fine gifts emerged but a fantastic selection of fly boxes from Douglas Outdoors was the most popular “steal”. The meeting closed with a raffle drawing. Joe Morrison won the guided steelhead trip offered by Wayne-O’s Guide Service. And the 2019 steelhead Pass donated by the Douglaston Salmon Run was won by Wayne Weber. The next Chapter meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on January 8th, Location: DSR Welcome Center –I like John Propster’s policy of using the Mexico School District’s closing schedule for inclement weather and would like to adopt that for 589. If the Pulaski schools are closed due to inclement weather our meeting will be cancelled unless otherwise noted (for instance, if a storm comes in late in the afternoon). Members are encouraged to check Facebook and their e-mail for notices. Reminder: A reminder to all members to record their volunteer hours throughout the year The meeting closed at 9:00 PM with members staying behind to chat, catch up, and talk fish.