Submitted by mtdave on Sun, 2018-11-11 05:32 Veterans Service Partnership National Leadership Council - NLC Vote Up Down +62 + VSP ad color.jpg Today is Veterans day, the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended World War I. Today, our nation thanks our Veterans for their service to our country. Trout Unlimited (TU) and TU’s Veterans Service Partnership (TU VSP) wish to thank our Veterans for their service to our country and for the sacrifice they have made to protect the freedoms we all enjoy. The TU VSP is a TU Volunteer Operations initiative to serve our nation’s military family, all veterans, those with and without disabilities, active duty military, and their spouses and families. The TU VSP utilizes fishing for trout and related activities to invite veterans and their families into the TU chapter community with a goal to engage them as volunteers for TU’s cold-water conservation work and for our various initiatives such as the TU VSP, Youth Education, Women’s Initiative, and the Diversity Initiative. Military training teaches placing the mission first and never accepting defeat, and TU welcomes veterans to serve TU’s conservation mission. Following is a wonderful article about Mountain Bridge (SC #036)TU chapter's Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing (PHWFF) program. PHWFF is a very important partnership for the VSP, and this story talks about Mountain Bridge's PHWFF program and the work of its volunteers and Mountain Bridge VSP Coordinator Chuck Rouse. Congrats to Mountain Bridge, Chuck, and all the Mountain Bridge TU volunteers who make this PHWFF program successul. Job well done! Mountain Bridge TU VSP and Project Healing Waters