Submitted by Doug.Agee on Mon, 2014-05-19 09:51 Origin Stories | TU Chapters Iroquois - 002 Cape Cod - 460 Fred S. Burroughs North Jersey - 059 Doc Fritchey - 108 East Jersey - 091 Forbes Trail - 206 El Dorado - 927 Cherokee - 577 Sal Font -191 Madison-Gallatin - 024 Vote Up Down +226 + origin_stories_voting.jpg Voting time is here and we want to hear your voice! We have nine great submissions for the Origin Stories contest and choosing a winner will be difficult. Please visit the Origin Stories group page to find the stories and contest information. Now comes the fun part — it's time to vote for your favorite story. Your votes will determine the contest winners. You can even vote for more than one story — but only once per story. The story with the most votes will win a Fly Fishing Film Tour screening for their chapter or council. The second and third place story will walk away with one (1) adult and one (1) youth fly rod and reel outfit to be used in their next fundraiser. Voting will be open May 19th through May 28th. We'll announce prize winners on May 31st. This is how the voting feature looks on the contest stories. origin_stories_voting_how_to.jpg Thanks for your help on this exciting contest, and a special thanks to all the members who took the time to post the story of their chapter or council. Please feel free to let us know on the Origin Story group page what kind of contests you would like to see in the future.