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The votes are in and we are pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 Origin Stories contest. We have really enjoyed this journey through the history of these fine TU chapters. If you haven't had a chance to see the stories, please visit the Origin Stories group page.   First, we would like to [ READ MORE... ]
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Voting time is here and we want to hear your voice! We have nine great submissions for the Origin Stories contest and choosing a winner will be difficult. Please visit the Origin Stories group page to find the stories and contest information.    Now comes the fun part — it's time to vote for your [ READ MORE... ]
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Way back in the the year 2014 a new vision was concieved in central West Virginia. A vision for a 21st century TU chapter and making long term sustainable impacts fueled by a passion for native species. Something edgy and young. The Sal font Chapter was born and only chartered since February 2014. [ READ MORE... ]

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