Pulp Fly ... the next generation of fly fishing writing

Featuring a foreword by Kirk Deeter, the new editor of TROUT Magazine as well as a renowned fly fishing author, journalist and blogger, Pulp Fly: Vol. 1 might just be the first really good example of where fly fishing--and the hand-in-glove art of writing about it--is headed.

Edited and compiled by a team of writers, including Bruce Smitthammer, himself a well-known journalist and blogger (Buster Wants to Fish, Mouthful of Feathers), Pulp Fly: Vol. 1 is an e-book featuring some established and up-and-coming writers who share one thing in common--the love of fishing. Looking through the list of authors, I know many of them and recognized almost all of them as established communicators in the fly fishing world. Some write for blogs, others just write, but all of them contribute something fresh to this first-of-its-kind collection of "interwebs prose."

In addition to Smitthammer, who writes a piece in the book titled, "The Hunt" (I wish I'd read it before I went to the Bahamas to chase bonefish for the first time), you'll find stories from the likes of Michael Gracie and Bjorn Stromsness. It's all original work pulled from the fingertips of folks who might do something completely different for a living (Gracie's an IT guy, for crying out loud), but it comes together nicely in an easy-to-read package that makes keeping the Kindle on past bedtime a worthwhile endeavor.

You can find this first volume at Amazon.com, where it's Kindle ready. I've been told that coming versions will be available on the Nook and the iPad (you can download Kindle software for the iPad for free, so that's a solution ready made).

Here's the best part. It costs less than $5. Brew your coffee at home one day, and load the e-reader up with Pulp Fly: Vol. 1. You won't be disappointed.


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