Submitted by loriday2005 on Fri, 2020-05-29 14:57 Tualatin Valley - 633 Vote Up Down +3 + TU Tualatin Valley Horiz websafe.jpg THE TROUT LINE April 6, 2020 Welcome to The Trout Line Newsletter! This is our Tualatin Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter newsletter that will be coming out twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. President's Corner I apologize for the delaying this newsletter but I wanted to finalize a couple of items for the newsletter before I sent it out. I hope that you and your families are well during this difficult time and I know with all of us doing our part to help control the spread of the COVID-19, we will be able to get back to normal soon. With that said here are some updates: Outings for April 19 and Apri 24-26 have been canceled and the rest have been put on hold. Here is a statement from Jeff Horton and Andy Andrews about this: Each year, our fishing outings provide a way for everyone to get together for a few days of fishing adventure and fun times in the great outdoors. However, our priority during this time of uncertainty is balancing the well-being of our friends and family. With that in mind, we are forced to make decisions for health and safety concerns and are committed to following guidelines as set forth by the State Of Oregon and Trout Unlimited National. are suspending our 2020 outings schedule for the time being. Our intention is to re-assess each event fourteen days in advance and notify everyone through websites, social media pages and newsletters. Be safe and healthy and we’ll see you on the river soon! CRTU and TVTU Chapters The next change is going to be for May's chapter meeting (May 13, 2020, at 6:00 pm), Jim Cox from Western River Conservancy (WRC) is putting on an interactive web presentation. I am excited to have a way to keep a connection with our members. In the next newsletter, we will be sending around the information about how to register for the presentation.The next item is a correction from Mike Dahlstrom's "Christmas is for More than Cohos" article: In the March TVTU and OCTU Newsletters, the article on Chicken Creek noted "native Brook Trout", which of course, are not native. The article should have noted "native trout". The author apologizes for the misrepresentation.Thank you,Lori Day Come Join Us on the Board! (We need to fill the secretary position)Your Tualatin Valley TU Chapter could use a couple of additional Board members. The job description is pretty simple. The Board meets monthly at 6 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month (some months with no meeting needed) in the downstairs meeting room at the American Legion Hall in Tigard. Meetings usually last an hour or a bit more. TVTU has been quite successful in recent years, with projects such as the Christmas for Coho efforts and with good attendance at effective and entertaining Chapter meetings held most months at the Lucky Lab in Multnomah Village. But we can always use fresh energy and fresh ideas. If you are interested and would like to come to one of the Board meetings to test the water (barbless hook only), please contact Mike Gentry at or (503) 636-0061. This is a feel-good volunteer opportunity. Meetings Location and Dates Regular chapter meetings are held at the Lucky Labrador Public House 7675 SW Capitol Hwy. Portland, OR 97219 (503) 244-2537. Food and beverage are available. Social get together starts at 6:30 pm and the formal meeting starts at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted in the newsletter or website.May Meeting - May 13, 2020, 6 pm- Jim Cox - Western River Conservancy is putting on an online interactive web presentation. Registration will be in the next newsletter. More Information: TVTU Website: Current Board Members and Contact: TVTU Facebook Page: C4C Facebook Page: