The Trout Line Newsletter - March 16, 2020


March 16, 2020


Welcome to The Trout Line Newsletter! This is our Tualatin Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter newsletter that will be coming out twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month.


March Chapter Meeting

In order to do our part in the prevention of the spreading the Coronavirus we are cancelling the April Chapter Meeting.  At this time I am not cancelling May's meeting but we will see what is going to happen in the future.  Take care of yourself and your family and go fishing!

Thank you,
Lori Day



Fly of the Month - Schroeder Callibaetis Nymph

Written by Mike Gentry
Hook:                              Tiemco 5263 size 14-16
Thread:                           Black 8/0
Tail:                                 Lemon Mallard Flank
Rib:                                 Fine Copper Wire
Body:                               Light Olive/Brown Fine Synthetic Dubbing
Flashback:                       Pearl Krystal Flashabou
Legs:                               Lemon Mallard Flank
Thorax:                           Gray Ostrich herl
1. Tie in a tail of lemon mallard flank fibers slightly longer than the body.
2. Tie in a length of copper wire at the tie-in point of the tail and let it stick off the rear of the fly.
3. Tie in a length of Pearl Krystal Flash at the tie-in point of the tail and let it stick to the rear of the fly.  The "flash" side should be down, so that when it is folded on top of the fly the flash side will be up.

4. Make a dubbing loop at the tie-in point of the tail and spin a "yarn" of dubbing in the loop, and wind the body about 2/3 of the way to the hook eye and tie off.
5. Pull the Krystal Flash forward over the top of the fly to the front of the body and tie off with two or three turns of thread.
6. Wind the copper ribbing wire over the body and Krystal Flash with five or six turns to the front of the body and tie off.

7. Tie in legs of lemon mallard flank on each side of the fly at the front of the body (five or six splines on each side); the legs should extend to the back of the body.
8. Tie in a strand of ostrich herl (tip or small end first) at the front of the body and tightly wind the herl forward to just behind the yee, to make a dense thorax.

9. Wind a head of thread, tie off and clip and secure with a small drop of head cement.

This pattern is effective in stillwater locations fished subsurface on a floating line in the shallows and weedbed edges, with slow four-inch retrieves. 


Meetings Location and Dates

Regular chapter meetings are held at the Lucky Labrador Public House 7675 SW Capitol Hwy. Portland, OR 97219 (503) 244-2537.  Food and beverage are available.  Social get together starts at 6:30 pm and the formal meeting starts at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted in the newsletter or website.

April Meeting - Cancelled



More Information:

TVTU Website:

TVTU Facebook Page:

C4C Facebook Page:


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