The Trout Line October 17, 2022


October 17, 2022


Welcome to The Trout Line Newsletter! This is our Tualatin Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter newsletter that will be coming out twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month.

 TVTU November Chapter Meeting with Mary Ann Dozer

Wednesday Nov 9, 2022 ⋅ 6:30pm – 8pm (Pacific Time - Los Angeles) - In person and virtually.

In person meeting:
Old Market Pub 6959 SW Multnomah Blvd., Portland, OR 97223.  Food and beverage available.  Social get together starts at 6:30pm and speaker starts at 7:00pm unless otherwise noted in the newsletter or website.

Mary Ann Dozer first started fly fishing in 1995 when on a trip to Yellowstone NP and she has never looked back. She became a fly fishing guide in 2009. She is a Master Casting Instructor certified from FFI. She is a member of the Winston Pro-Staff Team. She continues to guide with Fly Fishers Place in Sisters, Oregon and also offers virtual fly fishing workshops. 

Mary Ann will be presenting this month on the fundamentals of fly fishing casting. She will be discussing the "why and how casters mime while practicing, the where and how of the stop, and arm mechanics to get the most out of your fly rod". 

We hope you will be able to join us in person on virtually on Zoom using the link below. 

Topic: TVTU November Chapter Meeting with Mary Ann Dozer
Time: Nov 9, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 9937 8499
Passcode: 203586
One tap mobile
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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
        +1 309 205 3325 US
Meeting ID: 834 9937 8499
Passcode: 203586
Find your local number:
Old Market Pub & Brewery, 6959 SW Multnomah Blvd, Portland, OR 97223, USA
View map

If you want to add it to your Google Calendar:


Fly of the Month - Orange Flashy Maribou Leech

Written by Mike Gentry
This month's fly was just "field-tested" yesterday on a pay-to-play lake filled with LARGE Kamloops stock.  I'm happy to report that it was a successful event.  We've all heard the much-debated line that fish can't detect color, and though I'm no aquatic scientist in a position to debate it academically, I can report from my unofficial experiments that orange certainly is a favored color.  This pattern incorporates an extra degree of flash and a dash of black.

Thread:     6/0 Black or orange
Hook:        Tiemco 300 size 8
Beadhead:Gold or brass 5/32"
Flash:       Copper flashibou
Body:        Black and orange marabou

1. Secure the beadhead with a number of turns of thread to form a ball or tapered wedge behind the bead, and then press the ball or wedge firmly against the back of the bead (and the bead against the hook eye) with your fingers.

2. Wind the thread back to just before the start of the bend of the hook, and tie in six or seven strands of copper flashibou on top of the hook, trimming to about one inch in length.

3.  Tie in a small amount of black marabou on the top and sides of the flashibou and just the length of the flashibou.  You want the flashibou to shine through the black strands.

4. Wind the thread to about halfway to the back of the beadhead, and tie in orange marabout that is just a bit shorter than the end of the black strands.  You want the black to stick out a little further than the orange.  I find it easiest to tie in the marabou in three separate small clumps to get even distribution around the fly body.

5.  Wind the thread to just a smidge (technical term for 1/8 - 1/16 inch) behind the beadhead and again tie in orange marabou in three small clumps distributed around the hook to get good coverage.

Finish by multiple winds of thread in the 1/8 inch area behind the beadhead, and cement the thread. 

I fish this pattern in lakes with a sink-tip or intermediate sink line, letting it sink to whatever depth my crystal ball tells me the fish are, and then use a retrieve of medium or medium slow 4-6 inch movements, with periodic short pauses.  If the action drops off, I often have success in speeding up the retrieve.



Meetings Location and Dates

Regular chapter meetings are held at the Old Market Pub 6959 SW Multnomah Blvd., Portland, OR 97223.  Food and beverage available.  Social get together starts at 6:30pm and speaker starts at 7:00pm unless otherwise noted in the newsletter or website.

November Meeting - Nov. 9
January Meeting - Jan 11



More Information:


TVTU Website:

TVTU Facebook Page:

C4C Facebook Page:


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