The Trout Line October 3, 2022


October 3, 2022


Welcome to The Trout Line Newsletter! This is our Tualatin Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter newsletter that will be coming out twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month.

 October Chapter Meeting - In Person and Virtually

TVTU Chapter Meeting featuring Alysia Littleleaf
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022 ⋅ 6:30pm – 8pm (Pacific Time - Los Angeles)

Alysia Littleleaf and her husband, Elke Littleleaf, are the owners of Littleleaf Guide Service in Warm Springs, OR. Alysia is a descendant of  Warm Springs, Wasco, Yakama nation, Ute, Goshute, Shoshone, Sto'lo nation.  She and her husband are the only married indigenous fly fishing outfit in the US. She is an active advocate for our rivers. 

Her Bio:
I am Klick'ump Cascade name. My English name is Alysia Littleleaf 

I am descendant of Warm Springs, Wasco, Yakama nation, Ute, Goshute, Shoshone, Sto'lo nation.

I am an advocate for our precious water, first food's, and treaty rights. I advocate as a concerned tribal member and as a small business owner of a fly fishing outfit. Littleleaf guides.

Myself & husband Elke, Littleleaf who co-own and operates Littleleaf Guides outfit.  Are the only married indigenous fly fishing outfit in the U.S 

As an fly fishing outfit, we target trout, bulltrout, steelhead, for now salmon, sturgeon in the future. 
Guiding year round, on 35 + river miles of private property.  Steelhead is the B run that run's in the fall. Showing up in September fishing until late December.

Guiding the Deschutes river. On the west bank, tribal side of the river.
There is an invisible line that boarders our Warm Springs reservation. Our sovereign rights allows us to guide. Under our treaty of 1855. Warm Springs tribal members are able to hunt, and harvest our first food's practice our ceremonies our way of life. 

Littleleaf Guides
office: 541-615-0402
cell    : 541-815-0806

We are hosting this meeting in-person at Old Market Pub but you are also welcome to join virtually using the link below: 

Topic: TVTU October Chapter Meeting with Alysia Littleleaf
Time: Oct 12, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 890 5043 0564
Passcode: 515954
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        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
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        +1 386 347 5053 US
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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
        +1 309 205 3325 US
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 890 5043 0564
Passcode: 515954
Find your local number:
Old Market Pub & Brewery, 6959 SW Multnomah Blvd, Portland, OR 97223, USA
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Native Fish Society Wild Fish For All Scholarships-Academic Scholarship for BIPOC in Fisheries Conservation

In 2022, we are excited to be joined by the Tualatin Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited  in this endeavor. Through their generous support, we will be offering two Wild Fish For All Scholarships in 2022

The Native Fish Society believes that supporting diverse voices builds a groundswell for the revival of abundant wild fish in the Pacific Northwest. To elevate these diverse voices and breakdown barriers to racial and gender diversity in fisheries conservation, we created the Wild Fish For All scholarship 


Fishing (and Bear) Adventures at Kelly Creek
This September I made my fifth trip to Kelly Creek in the Clearwater Forest of Idaho.  This area is famous for its native cutthroat trout and beautiful mountain scenery.  (So far the Sawtooth mountains have escaped the ravages of the pine beetle, a bug that’s decimated forests in Wyoming and Colorado.) I first went to Kelly Creek over a decade ago with Eric Thompson who used to live in Lewiston.   During our initial trips there, we caught lots of larger (15-18 inch) fish on large surface bugs.  However, on my later solo trips the fish have been smaller and fewer in number.  Grasshoppers and Chubbies work but this trip the fish mainly took Copper Johns and Hares Ears fished as droppers under the large dry flies.

I prefer to stay at Kelly Forks campground at the junction of the North Fork of the Clearwater and Kelly Creek.  However, the campground, which is fifty miles from the town of Pierce, mostly on a gravel road, can be crowded.  Speaking of crowds, Kelly Creek seems to be getting more popular every year, so I suggest spending some time on the Clearwater instead. 

This year’s trip featured a too close encounter with a hungry bear.  Signs warned of bear activity and bear proof boxes are provided.  One night my Honda CRV began to rock, and I began kicking the SUV windows and yelling to scare off the intruder.  The bear returned shortly thereafter.  When I shined the flashlight through a side window, the bear was staring in as I was staring out.  Fortunately, she or he left, but not without leaving a calling card of scat.  In the morning I had paw prints on my front and rear windows as the bear apparently tried to get to the overhead luggage rack containing a small garbage sack.  (A dumb move on my part.)  A forestry officer said later that the bear has become habituated to humans and Idaho Fish and Game is trying to trap and remove it.

If you think you like to check out Kelly Creek, it takes about a day to get there (500 miles from Sherwood).  For fishing licenses and fly-fishing information, stop at the North Forty fly shop in Lewiston.  Staff there will answer calls you are curious about water conditions before you travel.  For camping information, call the Orofino ranger station.  The woman at the front desk is really helpful.  Rest assured that there are plenty of coffee shops along the way if you need a caffeine fix.  Consider going with someone else in order to increase the chances that one of you will discover the flies that work best.  Good luck and watch for bears!
Craig Johnson


More Information:

TVTU Website:

TVTU Facebook Page:

C4C Facebook Page:


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