Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Aquatic WILD & Trout in the Classroom

Professional Development Workshop


  Join the VA Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and Trout Unlimited for a FREE one day workshop designed for Trout in the Classroom Teachers.

Location: Chilhowie Middle School

1160 East Lee Highway, Chilhowie, VA

Hosted by Mt. Empire Chapter, Trout Unlimited

The workshop sessions include:

Aquatic WILD: featuring the newly revised guide from Project WILD.  Conducted by Suzie Gilley, Project Wild Coordinator

Conducting a Trout Release and Release Day Educational Activities – What else can you and your students do at the release site?

Information on other programs including National Fishing in the Schools, http://www.flyfishinginschools.org/ and Virginia’s Angling Education Programs www.dgif.virginia.gov/education.

And much more… All workshops 9am – 4pm, pack a lunch!

All participants will receive:

A free copy of the Aquatic WILD Activity Guide that includes STEM and Field Investigations. http://www.projectwild.org/projectwildwebsite/aquatic/

Trout posters and other materials to help students understand the life history and issues facing trout in VA.

A certificate for six hours of recertification credit if approved by your school.

To register send an email to Chuck.Hoysa@dgif.virginia.gov with



Session attending

Summer email address

Space is limited at each session so register today!


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