Submitted by mtdave on Tue, 2019-01-15 13:51 Veterans Service Partnership National Leadership Council - NLC Vote Up Down +104 + DSC_0652.JPG The TU Veterans Service Partnership (TU VSP) is pleased to announce a VSP volunteer leader training day will be offered as part of the 2019 Western Regional TU meeting in Olympia, WA on Friday, March 15th. The VSP is one of TU Volunteer Operations fastest growing programs and presents excellent opportunities for chapters to sustain and grow chapter membership. Working with veterans, veterans with disabilities, active duty military, and their families presents both opportunities and challenges. Topics to be covered during the Friday, March 15 training session include understanding the VSP program, use of online training resources at , demonstration of volunteer training tools course offered by Psych Armor, teaching adaptive fly fishing techniques to veterans with disabilities, proper care and handling of veterans with disabilities, identifying VSP partnership opportunities, and much more. The day-long program will be broken into sessions, and participants may choose to attend any session they wish. The presentation will be led by National VSP Coordinator Dave Kumlien assisted by TU Council and Chapter VSP leaders from throughout the western US. Should you wish to participate in only the Friday, March 15 VSP volunteer training, a special one-day meeting registration will be available. Of course, we encourage you to stay for the entire meeting and to network with your fellow TU'ers! Please contact Dave Kumlien at or Lisa Beranek at Information on the meeting may be found at