Submitted by Bill Lanzoni on Thu, 2014-10-23 06:24 Stream Ambassadors Conservation Hammonasset - 446 Connecticut - 9CT The Front Porch Trout Magazine Climate Change Chapter Sites Users Group TU Businesses & Guides Outdoor Communicators National Leadership Council - NLC Vote Up Down +263 + IMG_1108.JPG TUNE IN TO WWW.HANRADIO.COM ON OCTOBER 30TH AT 1 PM EASTERN TIME TO HEAR JACK WILLIAMS LIVE ON "THE YANKEE FISHERMAN" iNTERNET RADIO SHOW. Jack will be discussing our position on Climate Change with Host, John Kovach.If you are not able to tune in at 1PM eastern on 10/30, a full rebroadcast will be available on-line at If you would like additional information about the work of our Climate Change Work Group, or would like to bring additional information to your chapter, reach out to your NLC or any member of this committee. We can make a difference for this little guy's future!