Video spotlight: Clean water matters for farms, fish

It's not just anglers and outdoor recreationists who appreciate the need for clean, healthy waters and rivers--many farmers and ranchers also understand that the viability of their operations and way of life depends on water, both quantity and quality. 

Check out this cool video from the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union featuring Alfonso Abeyta, a 76-year-old, fifth-generation rancher and farmer in the San Luis Valley in southwest Colorado. "Farmers know that everything is connected," he says in the video. “That’s why it puzzles me when some politicians in Washington don’t want to protect America’s streams and wetlands. You can’t grow food without water. You can’t live without water. Without water, nothing survives. I’m not thinking about myself; I’m thinking about my grandkids. I want them to be healthy and have clean water like I had growing up. I think it’s our job to protect it."

Let's hope our leaders in D.C. listen to these words of wisdom: 


Farmer from Colorado Supports Clean Water Featuring Song from REM


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