Video spotlight: Convergence

My friend Travis Swartz is a pretty good fly fisherman, contrary to beliefs of many, who know him only as world-renowned fly fishing guide and culinary school graduate Hank Patterson. Travis is Boise filmmaker, and the mind behind the kitschy and ever-popular Hank Patterson videos that poke fun at guides, clients and, well, fly fishers in general. 

But, in the film, "Convergence," Travis is a bit more down to earth ... a bit more reflective when it comes to fly fishing for trout. The reason? He and others who are featured in the film (like Montana guide and video personality Hilary Hutcheson) understand that trout fishing is dependent on cold, clean water, and that climate change is already having an impact on our favorite pastime. 

The film, the third in a series of offerings produced by Conservation Hawks and Conservation Media (Trout Unlimited is a sponsor, too), looks at climate change through the eyes of Swartz, Hutcheson and a fly fishing family, noting that already, some pretty horrific events have happened that can be traced to a warming world. The glaciers that feed rivers like the Flathead are disappearing. Fish kills from warm-water-induced parasites are spreading around the country and every year is warmer than the last. Climate change, on its present course, does not allow for sustainable fly fishing for trout. The film, with its scenic grandeur and its action fly-fishing cinematography, notes that it's time to act, and urges views to do so at

Enjoy the film—it's part of the ongoing Fly Fishing Film Tour, and take a minute to share your thoughts with lawmakers and agency folks at the link above. It's time we all got in the game. 

— Chris Hunt


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