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Our March montly meeting will be at the 4 Corners Saloon in Mason. Come early for dinner at 5:30pm and the general meeting will start at 6:30pm. At this meeting we will distribute our 5 year strategic plan. Please come and join in the discussion. Photo by Jason Stewart
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Wild Rivers regular monthly meeting will be held at the Sigurd Olson Environmental Institue Northland College. This meeting will be a presentation on designating the Chequamegon Bay Area as a National Marine Sanctuary.
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Wild Rivers has developed a position paper on CAFO's. There is one CAFO within our borders and another one is also being considered. Please read and feel free to comment on our position.
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Discount tix at-
They will be at area businesses by the end of the week when we recieve them from the printers...
SHOW @ 7
$10 ADVANCE - $15 DOOR
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Board meeting will be held at the Bretting Center in Ashland and as always all Wild Rivers members are invited to attend the board meetings.
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All About Brook Trout Program at our monthly meeting. A joint meeting with the Friends of North Pikes Creek Wetlands, presenter Henry Quinlan will discuss the local brook trout and its distribution and threats. The meeting will be held at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center.
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Wild Rivers Chapter will be showing the 2016 film festival at the Park Theater in Hayward.
Doors open at 6pm with the film starting at 7 pm. Tickets cost $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Please check this website in January 2016 for ticket outlets in the Ashland, Bayfield, Washburn, Hurley... [ READ MORE... ]
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Wild Rivers will be showing a fly fishing film festival on Feb 6th at the Alvord Theater on the campus of Northland College.
Doors open at 6pm with the film starting at 7 pm. Tickets cost $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Please check this website in January for ticket outlets in the Ashland,... [ READ MORE... ]
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Join us for another fly tying event at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center. Again we need to fill the fly box and also need flies for our own Expo.
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Join us for fly tying at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center west of Ashland. We will start at 10 am. Our chapter needs to fill the state council fly box for the annual meeting in Oshkosh.