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Fishing on the L.I.R. was good today. The water is the clearest it's been in a year. During the overcast morning we were getting a lot of take on Elk Hair Caddis w/ Rust Brown boddies on a size 16. When the sun came out around noon, we switched to caddis emergers with green and orange butt dead... [ READ MORE... ]
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There are some great times to be had on the Lower Illinois River here in OK ... May is one of those times.
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The lower Illinois is fishing very well right now. Trout stocking has continued even as the weather has kept anglers way. That mans the river is full of fish. Fish are rising to very small midges so tiny midge patterns will do nicely. As is always true on the LIR small beadhead zebra midges in dark... [ READ MORE... ]
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The lower Illinois river near Gore, OK is fishing very well. Anglers need to pay attention to the generation schedule at Tenkiller dam... but if you catch the river when the is past generation or between you will do very well. Stocking of fish happens regularly and there are lots of trout to catch... [ READ MORE... ]