Lower Illinois River near Gore, OK


said on Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

Well new here. Live in Osage county but, get to the Lower Illinois pretty often and love to head over into Arkansas and hit the White. I also get up to Bennett Spring Mo. about once or twice a year. I have fished the lower Mountain Fork at Hochatown but, last summer it had just washed out the previous year, and now it has done it again. I picked up a fly rod for the first time last summer and it is now an obsession. Going to the Lower Illinois at Gore this weekend and hopefully get in on the last of the good of the good fishing before the water gets to warm. After that , Bennett in late July. Anyhow, if anyone has fished the Lower Illinois in the last week or two, let me know how it went. I haven't heard much since we had all the rain and everything flooded. By the looks of it, the river is about back on schedule and not running a lot of water now.


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