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I'm still trying to figure out the mad river and the trout in the stream. Last friday I waded down the mad river from Lippincott. It took about 3 hours. I waded down to the dam/tractor crossing in the stream. I found 3 fishing holes. The last hole had hundreds if not thousands of fish. There... [ READ MORE... ]
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The Madmen Chapter will be holding our final installment of our Volunteer Monitoring Program on Sunday, October 18th. We will meet at the parking lot at the State Route 36 Access at 9:00 AM. From there we will Monitor 6 locations within the Mad River Watershed. The session usually lasts 4 hours.... [ READ MORE... ]
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The Mad River Cleanup event is scheduled for this Saturday the October 17th at 10am. We will be meeting at the 36 bridge and splitting into two groups dependent upon resources. One will float/wade while the other works the parking and launch areas. Details and map link are on the madmen calendar... [ READ MORE... ]
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Is there a group for the Central Ohio Fly Fishing in I didn't see one, but thought it may be beneficial. Did anyone make it to the meeting last night? I'm sorry I missed it.
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I'm not sure if this group is active or not, but I thought I would post something here? I'm starting to fish the mad and curious if anyone was interested in exploring the river with me? I've fished it about 6 times north of urbana. The only fish I have caught/found are sucker fish. I have not... [ READ MORE... ]