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More cases of whirling disease have been found in Banff National Park — this time in the Bow River, elevating concerns for southern Alberta’s fish populations.
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Fishing conditions continue to improve, and the outlook for great fishing during the upcoming TU Annual Meeting in Bozeman is great! The weather has cooled off, dramatically, we've had snow in the mountains, and river temperatures have dropped into the perfect range for good fishing!
I floated... [ READ MORE... ]
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I spent yesterday afternoon volunteering at a Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks boat inspection and cleaning station located on I-90 between Bozeman and Livingston (Yellowstone River). We were looking for westbound traffic returning from the Yellowstone River or headed to other waters in Montana... [ READ MORE... ]
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Sept. 1 Update:
The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission opened two sections of the Yellowstone River Thursday, Sept. 1, due to the improvement of environmental conditions that led the Commission to close the river and all of its associated tributaries on Aug. 19.
In a teleconference Thursday,... [ READ MORE... ]
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Today, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the Fish and Game Commission are holding a conference call to discuss the Yellowstone PKD outbreak and the 183 mile river and tributary closure. There's been some indication that much of the closure will be rolled back. The call is scheduled for today at... [ READ MORE... ]
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The culprit causing the fish kill in the Yellowstone has been identified as PKD. This is nasty stuff. Not man caused, but could be spread by man. Read the following press release from Montana FWP. This is another example of why we MUST INSPECT, CLEAN, AND DRY OUR FISHING EQUIPMENT!
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Attention annual meeting fishing day folks! We now have an opening on Willow Creek on the annual meeting fishing day, September 28th! Willow Creek is a very cool fishery, a tributary of the Jefferson River, that is accessed by permission only. Madison-Gallatin TU had reserved all 5 rods on... [ READ MORE... ]
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The following article presents some encouraging news regarding Zebra and Quagga mussel control. Zequanox, the product featured in this article, has been around for a few years, but the article indicates that extensive testing has shown that Zequanox is both effective and safe. We would expect to... [ READ MORE... ]
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Due to declining plankton populations, Lake Michigan waters are clearing, but the plankton decline has put the Lake's salmon fishery on life support. An interesting story about an effort to gather baseline info.
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For the 3rd consecutive year, the Trout Unlimited Veterans Service Partnership is pleased to partner with TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) to co-host a TAPS men’s retreat. I’ve had the honor to work on the previous Montana men’s retreats, and they have been remarkable events. They... [ READ MORE... ]