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Fly Tying Meeting at Spencer Pizza Hut
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An introduction to fly fishing and how to use the long rod, fly tying and the finer points of fly fishing is the weekend focus. A clinic limited to twelve participants, includes instruction, steam ecology, a train ride to Spruce, fishing, two boxed lunches, fly tying tools and set of flies.... [ READ MORE... ]
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I recently joined TU and the Sal Font Chapter. Sadly, I must admit I had no ideas either group existed prior to last week. As a self taught trout fisherman, I would have loved to be able to participate in something such as the first cast program when I was younger to learn the art of fly... [ READ MORE... ]
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The votes are in and we are pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 Origin Stories contest. We have really enjoyed this journey through the history of these fine TU chapters. If you haven't had a chance to see the stories, please visit the Origin Stories group page.
First, we would like to... [ READ MORE... ]
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Voting time is here and we want to hear your voice! We have nine great submissions for the Origin Stories contest and choosing a winner will be difficult. Please visit the Origin Stories group page to find the stories and contest information.
Now comes the fun part — it's time to vote for your... [ READ MORE... ]
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Way back in the the year 2014 a new vision was concieved in central West Virginia. A vision for a 21st century TU chapter and making long term sustainable impacts fueled by a passion for native species. Something edgy and young. The Sal font Chapter was born and only chartered since February 2014.... [ READ MORE... ]
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While the brook trout was designated as the WV state fish in 1973, we think it was our "state fish" long before then. Let's round off to a nice number like 10,000 BC even though glacial presence had pushed brook trout into the south long before then. The Sal font Chapter, newly created in 2014, was... [ READ MORE... ]
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The Sal font Chapter of Trout Unlimited announces its Bluegill Fishing Derby at Charles Fork Lake slated for April, 26 2014. It will be a day of fun and fishing for kids of all ages. Prizes for all children under age 13. Prizes will be awarded to kids and adults for catching the most bluegill, the... [ READ MORE... ]