Hendricksons are Back! The weather is warming up, the water levels are dropping and the bugs are back. Have you tried an emerger pattern? Last year, the Dard Hendrickson Emerger pattern was very successful. This year, I tied up a few of the Lt Hendrickson Emergers and plan on fishing a 2 fly system.
Spey Casting Lessons - GUVTU Member Peter Harding is offering Spey Casting lessons this Spring to GUVTU members - please contact Peter if interested: peter.hardingak@gmail.com.
October 2024 - ODNR fly fishing clinic, Cuyahoga River trout stocking, and Swap Meet. Details to come!
May 20th - Chapter picnic with the Western Reserve Fly Fishers. The picnic will be at Waterworks Park in Cuyahoga Falls, OH at 6:00pm. Look for us in one of the pavilions near the river. Hot dogs will be provided - please bring a side dish.
By Ellen Voss, River Alliance of WI
Time on a stream puts life’s struggles into perspective.
Chapter Name & No. Forks of the Delaware #482
Website: https://forksofthedelaware.tu.org/
On Saturday April 7 your GBTU chapter partnered with the Park District of Highland Park to clean up the ravine and stream at Millard Park.