Orvis Fly Fishing 101 Class

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Saturday, June 2nd, 2012 - 7:00am to Sunday, June 3rd, 2012 - 7:00am

Now’s your chance to learn fly fishing basics in one of our free fly fishing 101 classes. Free fishing lessons on fly casting and outfit rigging.  f you’ve already completed Fly Fishing 101, you’re ready for the next step. Join us for a short outing on local wIater for a chance to catch your first fish! A nominal fee for the outing may apply. Upon completion of the courses, you will receive special in-store offers valid toward purchase of Orvis products and a free Trout Unlimited membership a $35 value.


If you are already a TU member and experienced fly angler, we need volunteers to help teach classes as well.  Either to sign up for a class or want to be a volunteer teacher, please contact Rob Ceccarini at (212) 827-0698 or retail-newyorkstr096@orvis.com.


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