Submitted by st1689st on Wed, 2023-06-28 13:23 Groups audience Coosa Valley - 519 Vote Up Down +58 + Saturday, July 19th, 2025 - 8:30am to Saturday, July 19th, 2025 - 3:30pm The Coosa Valley Chapter, Fly Fishing For Vets Day will welcome all vets from all wars to Rolater Park in Cave Spring for a morning of fishing for trout in the pond and creek. Event starts at 10am through Noon for Veterans. The Fly Fishing For Women's Day event starts at 1pm and lasts until 3pm. Women should come early and enjoy lunch. The pond will have a lot of trout left over from this year's Kids Fishing Day and still a few very large fish that have survived from the previous years' KFD. More trout may be stocked prior to this event. Vets and Women WILL NOT BE REQUIRED to have a license to fish in the POND, but will need a license and a trout stamp to fish in the creek. FLY FISHING FOR VETS is a program that was conceived to help our wounded warriors have an opportunity to take their minds off the war by getting on the water and trying to catch a fish. Fly fishing was chosen because it takes little effort and is an easy skill to enjoy. The northwest area of Georgia is the base for the Coosa Valley Chapter of TU and we do not have a lot of wounded veterans returning to our area and because of that we are inviting any and all veterans to come to the park to enjoy some hot dogs and soft drinks and take a little time out to catch a trout. Door prize drawings of fishing gear will be given away during the day to registered attendees. WE WILL HAVE SOFT DRINKS, CHIPS, AND HOT DOGS AS WELL. There will be skilled fly casters there to help anyone that wants to try fly fishing. To all Veterans and women, Come on down to Cave Spring on Saturday, July 19, 2025 and catch a trout on a fly rod. IF YOU KNOW OF ANY VETERAN FROM ANY WAR WE WANT THEM AT CAVE SPRING REGARDLESS OF AGE OR PHYSICAL CONDITION. ANY AND ALL WOMEN ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE AFTERNOON WOMEN'S EVENT. *BARBLESS HOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FOR ANY "FISHERPERSON" WHO DOES NOT WISH TO KEEP THE TROUT CAUGHT. BARBLESS HOOKS ARE ALSO A SAFER WAY TO FLY FISH. ALSO, PLEASEVWEAR A PAIR OF SUNGLASSES TOPROTECT YOUR EYES! THE EVENT IS FREE OF ANY CHARGE FOR VETERANS and WOMEN. ALL REGISTERED VETERANS AND WOMEN ARE INVITED TO HAVE A HOTDOG LUNCH WITH US AT NO CHARGE Who's attending this event? There is no one currently attending this event.