Chapter Meeting w/ Special Guest John McMillan

Monday, October 12th, 2015 - 7:00pm

Join us for our next chapter meeting which will include a very special guest:  TU's WSI Science Director (and our very own) John McMillan!

John McMillan's presentation is titled "Magnificent Mykiss: The Remarkable Variation in Steelhead and what it means for Anglers and Conservation".  The presentation will focus on all the things that make steelhead such a unique and incredible fish, both from the perspective of scientist and angler.  Included will be stunning underwater images and video of steelhead doing everything imaginable, from burying their heads under rocks to tiny rainbow trout mating with huge female steelhead.  If you wanted to know what makes a steelhead a steelhead, this presentation is for you.

John McMillan has worked as a research fishery scientist for the past 18 years from the John Day River in the interior Columbia River to the Hoh River of the Olympic Peninsula rainforest.  He has worked for the USFS, Hoh Indian Tribe, Wild Salmon Center, NOAA on the Elwha River dam removal project, and currently works as the Science Director for Trout Unlimited's Wild Steelhead Initiative. Much of his professional scientific study has focused on the biology, behavior and ecology of steelhead and rainbow trout, with a particular interest in the mechanisms influencing why individual fish adopt particular life history strategies -- such as anadromy and residency.  In his pursuit of understanding steelhead John has snorkeled over 1,500 river miles, spent thousands of hours observing steelhead, and as a result is considered a regional expert on the plight of steelhead. In addition to publishing scientific manuscripts on this topic and others, his writing and underwater photography and videography has been broadly published in scientific journals, books, popular magazines, newspapers, movies and television.  He is also an avid steelheader and was featured in Shane Anderson's recent movie Wild Reverence.  His latest publication is the book May the Rivers Never Sleep, a collaboration with his father Bill McMillan that pays homage to the strong conservation influence of Roderick Haig-Brown.  

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