Fall River Central Oregon Outing

Groups audience 
Thursday, September 24th, 2020 - 8:00am to Monday, September 28th, 2020 - 12:30pm

Our outings are multi-day camp outs on some of Oregon's more scenic and productive waters. Meet other members and learn or share fishing techniques. Evening gatherings are encouraged and the trips often involve one evening where the chapters provide an entree course for a potluck-style barbecue dinner - so share your favorite side dish or dessert with others and enjoy reveling in the stories of the day!

Reservations/RSVP are not required but are appreciated. Contact Andy Andrews (andrewsclga@gmail.com) for additional information and directions if needed! Please join us! We are camping at Fall River Campgrounds, everybody is responsible for their own campground site. You will need to reserve your camp site using recreation.gov website.

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