GBTU January Meeting

Groups audience 
Thursday, January 12th, 2023 - 6:30pm

Please join us on Thursday Jan. 12 from 6:30pm-8:30pm for our live, monthly meeting at The Miramar Bistro located at 301 Waukegan Avenue in Highwood, Illinois. Feel free to come early to take advantage of the fine dining at the Miramar. The Miramar's website is


We will have a special presentation by Gary Borger, starting around 7:15pm via Zoom, at our January meeting. Gary’s topic for our meeting is “Fishing the Non-Hatch Times.” 

More than 90% of our fishing time is spent fishing during non-hatch periods, when fish are taking whatever food drifts or swims past. Learn the secrets of fishing these “hatchless” periods with consistent success using dries, nymphs, and long flies like leeches and minnow imitations.


Come out and reconnect with friends and fellow men & women who are passionate about trout, conservation and the outdoors!  If you cannot make it in person, please use the following Zoom link: 








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