Submitted by americandesi on Sun, 2018-04-08 09:52 Groups audience Ridge & Valley - 156 Vote Up Down 0 + Saturday, May 12th, 2018 - 9:00am This Saturday is our first cleanup of Lopatcong Creek at the two locations we will be restoring with Cole Baldino, TU's Upper Delaware Home Rivers Initiative coordinator. Volunteers need not wade in the stream, but should be prepared to cross it in shallow areas and should wear old clothes. Garbage bags and gloves will be supplied along with water and refreshments. We meet at the Stryker Road site at/by 9am which is located just north of Rath's Deli (Rath's address is: 450 County road 519, Stewartsville, NJ 08886) which is located in Lopatcong Township. There is parking along rt. 519 near where the Lopatcong Creek crosses under 519. The second site we can drive to which is off Lock Street on the south side of route 22. TU will be spending more than $165,000 to restore nearly a full mile of stream and banks as well as RVTU leading the effort to fund and ultimately plant native trees and shrubs where needed, a cost of $15,000 alone. Come see this project site(s) and help clean it up ahead of TU bringing in funders and potential funders to see the site conditions pre-restoration. We hope to see many of you out this Saturday. Once restored, this wild brook and brown trout stream will be open to the public for hiking, fishing, bird watching, etc. rvtu logo.jpg Who's attending this event? There is no one currently attending this event.