Jan. 2014

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Winter has been tougher than usual this year.  With lower temps. than we have seen in a couple of years, it has the stream temps. low.  Though the streams are averaging 36-38 degrees this month, the fish are still able to be coaxed into biting,  The best tip I can give right now is to make certain your fly stays on the bottom.  The fish are slow and sluggish, so drift slower than normal.  Mind your mends to keep a natural drift.  Try using patterns such as, a BH Pheasant Tail, sz. 12-16, Gold-Ribbed Hare's Ear, sz. 12-18; BWO nymphs and emergers, sz. 16-24, as well as atractor patterns like the Y2K, sz.12-16.  In higher flows, try using bigger patterns like a Wooly Bugger, sz.4-10, in various clors, or baitfish streamers, like a Muddler Minnow, Black-Nosed Dace, etc., sz. 6-10.  Just remember to SLOW IT DOWN.


said on Friday, January 31st, 2014

Nantahala River DH was VERY icy today.  Great pics to finish out Jan. 2014.

said on Friday, January 31st, 2014

Picked up a few slow moving Rainbows.  Had to find slow water that had fished holding, and no Ice covering.


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