Goose Creek Aquatic Assessment

Project leads: Dan Dauwalter (ddauwalter at and Kurt Fesenmyer (kfesenmyer at; P: 208-345-9800

Since 2012, Trout Unlimited has been working on a multiyear aquatic assessment of the Goose Creek watershed in southern Idaho (and portions of NV, UT). The assessment has focused on understanding fish-habitat linkages in the Goose Creek watershed at several spatial scales, focusing on fish communities and sensitive species in the context of land management. The project was funded by the Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office.

Dauwalter, D.C., and K.A. Fesenmyer. 2017. The Importance of Habitat Complexity to Stream Fishes: A Multi-Scale Assessment in Goose Creek, Upper Snake River Basin. Trout Unlimited, Arlington, Virginia.


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