blog BY ERGS ON January 11 - 1 COMMENTS
Getting Down To The Who
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My first fly fishing experience was almost 20 years ago in Colorado, on the Blue River in Silverthorne. You've probably heard of it, but I had just moved to Summit County on a whim - possible only because of an equally willing spouse with a sense of adventure and the unknown. I spent my youth in [ READ MORE... ]
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When heading to the river, or even thinking about it, as members of Trout Unlimited our vision becomes inherently multi-faceted. Heraclitus stated it perfect with "You could never step into the same river twice". We think of the target species, we think and review weather, flows, temps, and hatch [ READ MORE... ]
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While I am not usually given to get on a rant (insert "sheesh" here) an article that came out through the Oregonian has gotten a lot of people a little burnt on our State Governement. In Oregon you can drive around and look at the license plates and tell right away those of us who have a devotion [ READ MORE... ]
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Since the dams were put in place on the Deschutes River to create Crane Prairie and Wickiup Reservoirs, our beloved Deschutes River has been managed for the primary purpose of irrigation. In the years before these barriers were put in place the free flowing river allowed for healthy populations of [ READ MORE... ]
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IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 17, 2014 Contact: Gabe Parr, Bend Casting Club, bendcastingclub@gmail.com Kyle Schenk, kylejschenk@gmail.com   Bend Fly Fishing Festival Debut Bend Casting Club to host a festival celebrating Fly Fishing on April 19, 2014   (BEND, Ore.)— The Bend Casting Club announced this [ READ MORE... ]
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I decided it was time to post regarding this incident that has given rise to more than a few opinions. In the past few months of winter, there has been a surge in articles written, stories told, phone calls, and meetings to discuss the issue that brought the stench of death to this stretch of water [ READ MORE... ]

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