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State of Trout Unlimited 2018 from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo. Watch as TU President and CEO Chris Wood delivers the 2018 State of Trout Unlimited presentation to volunteers at the organization's annual meeting in Redding, Calif. 
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Photo by Josh Edelson, Getty Images As of this morning, the Carr Fire is still raging in Shasta County, California, not far from our Annual Meeting location. The fire is large, hot and unpredictable. However, some progress was made over the weekend, and the city appears to be out of imminent danger [ READ MORE... ]
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SOTU 2017 10142017 from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo.   Trout Unlimited President and CEO Chris Wood presents the State of Trout Unlimited at the TU annual meeting in Roanoke, Va., in September 2017.
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Jeff’s two  step-daughters, Katherine (left) and Kaitlyn, ages seven and eight, show off their volunteer spirit on a recent Trout Unlimited streamside trash cleanup.   Editor's note: This is the first in a series of blog posts from TU leaders explaining their love for volunteering, for making [ READ MORE... ]
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The numbers are in, and they are good.   Sweetwater Brewing Company and Trout Unlimited teamed up this summer to raise $46,731 through Sweetwaters’s annual Save our Water Campaign.   They money will support TU’s Embrace-a-Stream program, which provides grants to TU chapters and councils.   [ READ MORE... ]
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by Kyle Smith Ask any angler what makes for a good day of fishing and the top responses will almost certainly include plentiful fish, clean water, good company, and an ice cold brew at the end of the day. Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 12.42.27 PM.png As Trout Unlimited's [ READ MORE... ]
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Angler Science + STREAM Education... you might be thinking, huh? Well, hang on. We suspect you may well know these two TU programs, and perhaps you have engaged with one or both of them locally. And, we're really interested to learn from you if you do!So, what is ANGLER SCIENCE? In essence it [ READ MORE... ]
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Jack Bombardier, guide and LWCF supporter, on the Colorado River by Randy Scholfield The countdown has begun: Congress has a matter of days to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund--one of the most successful conservation programs in U.S. history--before it expires on Sept. 30. Why is [ READ MORE... ]
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               Atlas Cement Co. built a dam located in the Borough of Northampton in Northampton County.  The dam backed up the Hokendauqua Creek, a cold water fishery, for over 4000 feet.  The dam originally built in about 1898 was over 600 feet long and ranged in height from 8 feet to its highest [ READ MORE... ]

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