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by Kyle Smith Ask any angler what makes for a good day of fishing and the top responses will almost certainly include plentiful fish, clean water, good company, and an ice cold brew at the end of the day. Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 12.42.27 PM.png As Trout Unlimited's [ READ MORE... ]
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Hello Yakima River Headwaters TU members and volunteers!    One of our goals for the Teanaway is an interactive map, housing water temperature and quality data, habitat projects, and organizations/partners in the watershed. At the recent IFFF Fair in Ellensburg, this idea was brainstormed further [ READ MORE... ]
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Scientists say that at least 2 percent of the young fish migrating to the sea (smolts) must survive and return as adults for upriver salmon and steelhead stocks to sustain themselves. That has happened only a few times in the last two decades. And science indicates that removing four lower Snake [ READ MORE... ]
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Art Neumann, TU's first executive director, with Chris Wood, TU's president and CEO. By Chris Wood Art Neumann, the last of the original founders of Trout Unlimited, passed away yesterday. Those of us who answered the call of conservation, can quote Leopold, Pinchot, Carson, and any other number of [ READ MORE... ]
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Join us on Wednesday, March 16th at 7 pm to review and participate in planning our Teanaway River programs. Our future projects will allow us to place 6 water temperature monitors within key headwater zones of the Teanaway River and software to help us track and study the data. This data will be [ READ MORE... ]
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"Legislative Alert - please call or email today!" There's a potential vote of HB2467 tomorrow if our voices are heard - this will introduce necessary regulations to protect spawning and rearing habitat for protected headwaters fish species from suction dredge mining. Currently, there are few [ READ MORE... ]
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By Chris Wood At the heart of Trout Unlimited is the idea that we can exercise our First Amendment right to call on the government to take better care of the lands and waters that sustain this nation, including our trout and salmon resources. There is a right way to do that, and a wrong way to do [ READ MORE... ]
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***Location Change*** We've moved the meeting location for December's meeting to The Palace, in Ellensburg, WA. The meeting starts at 7 PM, with the Board meeting at 6 PM to discuss our Youth program, fundraising, and the 2016 Teanaway Plan. The general meeting will be a review of our 2015 projects [ READ MORE... ]
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Don't forget about the November meeting on Wednesday the 18th. Social hour at 6 PM, meeting begins at 7 PM. We are hosting Gabe Temple from the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, sharing his presentation on 25 years of catch & release history on the Yakima River. Also, our [ READ MORE... ]
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By Chris Wood I just returned from fishing in Bristol Bay. One of the rivers I fished (and where I caught 30-inch native rainbow trout), Upper Talarik Creek, would be inundated and ruined by the proposed Pebble Mine. Talarik 2.jpg On the heels of that experience, it was disappointing to [ READ MORE... ]

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