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TU, CPW, Buckhorn Valley Metro announce plan to protect Abrams Creek trout Date: Thu, 07/14/2016  For Immediate Release Contact: Mely Whiting, mwhiting@tu.org, (720) 470-4758   Kendall Bakich, kendall.bakich@state.co.us, (970) 355-4771   Preserving rare cutthroat population a high priority for [ READ MORE... ]
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Hello, I just wanted to put out an introduction message being new to TU and the 102 chapter.  With so many people fishing in the valley I thought this would be a larger group.  Anyway.... I am an Eagle resident that fishes mostly in the valley from Vail to Dotsero.  This will be my 3rd season fly [ READ MORE... ]
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Gore Creek was included on the list of the state's impaired waterways in 2012 and, now, after years of planning and research, the Vail Town Council this evening is scheduled to approve a plan to start cleaning up Gore Creek. The plan is estimated to cost $9.6 million over the next 5 years and $2 [ READ MORE... ]
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This report describes the many and varied threats facing native and wild trout in this country. Threats have evolved over time, from agriculture and mining practices of the past to a new suite of problems related to four primary issues: energy development, introduction of non-native species, [ READ MORE... ]

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