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The University of Rhode Island’s Watershed Watch Program started as a cooperative volunteer water monitoring program with the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association (WPWA) in 1988.  The goal of this Program is to provide the current status on ongoing trends of the quality of a selection of waters [ READ MORE... ]
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Rhode Island TU#225 Annual Fundraising Banquet and Auction Saturday, April 22, 2023 - 3:00 - 7:30 pm Tickets $45.00 Adults or $17.50 children 15 and under   This year we are honored and excited to have the face of Rio, Simon Gawesworth, as our key note speaker. Simon is the Education and [ READ MORE... ]
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        The RIDEM/TU225 Ladies Day scheduled for 9:00 tomorrow at the Carolina Trout Hatchery has been cancelled.  A 50% chance of rain and temps in the 50’s has resulted in numerous attendee cancellations according to Kim Sullivan from RIDEM.  A decision was made by Christine Dudley and Kim at 12: [ READ MORE... ]
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Narragansett Trout Unlimited (TU 225) will hold a streamside trail cleanup along the Wood River on Saturday, October 20 from 9 a.m. until noon. Cleaner-uppers and branch-loppers should meet at the Wood River check station on Rt. 165, where coffee and donuts will available to supply energy for the [ READ MORE... ]
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  Announcement for the Narragansett Chapter of Trout Unlimited (TU225)   October 31, 2018       The Narragansett Chapter of Trout Unlimited (TU225) will host its second “off the water” monthly membership meeting on Wednesday, October 31st, starting at 6:30 PM, at the Coventry / West Greenwich Elks [ READ MORE... ]
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Russ Ahlgren, Pierre Doval and Bob Greene built, put together and stained five line boxes for distribution along the Wood River and its environs last week. TU 225 and its crew of volunteer woodworkers regularly repairs and replaces such boxes alongside the Flat, the Falls and the Wood Rivers in [ READ MORE... ]
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This week's rain has made the trails along the Wood River impassable in some areas and overly slick and dangerous in others. Therefore, tomorrow's trail cleanup has been postponed to a later, as yet unknown, date. Stay tuned to TU 225's Webpage page for updates and conservation/fishing news!  

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