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Here is a large component of what the TU regionals are all about: people from different states coming together for their shared love of healthy rivers and the trout they sustain: Shay Berry, VT, John Troiano, RI, Jerry Eves, MA, Tony and Kate Hill, CT meeting in Enfield, NH to fish the Mascoma [ READ MORE... ]
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The full interview can be accessed at: http://www.blogflyfishma.com/2016/03/gary-metras-man-who-landed-1000-trout.html#comment-form  
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Our Annual Fundraising Banquet is not to be missed!! Plenty of Auction, Raffle & Door PrizesRods by Sage, Trela, Orvis, Loomis, Thomas & ThomasReels by Abel, Ross, Sage, OrvisGuided Trips - Waders, Boots, & Nets - Chest & Hip PacksFlies & Fly Boxes - Fly tying Vises, Supplies [ READ MORE... ]
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At our next chapter meeting on Tuesday Feb 10, 2015, Gary Metras past president of Pioneer Valley Trout Unlimited and author, will speak on “Winter Fishing the Swift River.” Gary will provide us with lessons, observations, hints, and tricks that he has learned from years of winter fly fishing the [ READ MORE... ]
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The Pioneer Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited is offering a free Beginners Fly Tying Course Monday evenings on February 2, 9,16 23. These classes wi ll be 7:00 - 9:00 pm and will be taught by Gary Metras. To register, contact Gary at 413-527-3324 or gmetras3324@charter.net. All materials and tools [ READ MORE... ]
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At the December 14, 2014 meeting of the MA/RI Council, Gary Metras (r), Pioneer Valley Chapter delegate, presents MA/RI Council Chair, John Troiano (l), with the chapter’s donation of $2500 to the Council’s newly established Cold Water Conservation Fund. The donation comes from proceeds of the 2014 [ READ MORE... ]
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blog BY gmetras ON January 18 - 0 COMMENTS
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