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It’s hard not to be frustrated with the Forest Service. If this bloated federal bureaucracy isn’t wasting taxpayer dollars on money-losing timber sales in Southeast Alaska, its officials are whining about how costly public-use cabins are to maintain in the Tongass National Forest. Or as the case [ READ MORE... ]
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Double Your Dollars on Bristol Bay Trout Unlimited's Alaska Program has a generous donor willing to match donations up to $200,000 by the end of the year! The fight to protect Bristol Bay is far from over.  With your help, we’ve built significant momentum to stop the massive Pebble mine and we now [ READ MORE... ]
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There’s reason to celebrate if you love to fish Southeast Alaska and understand the value of healthy wild salmon runs. There’s also reason to worry. Let’s start with the good news. Southeast Alaska—home of the Tongass National Forest—recently wrapped up a record salmon fishing season. According to [ READ MORE... ]
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The Tongass National Forest is in the news again. The federal agency that manages the 17-million-acre rainforest in Southeast Alaska says that it will revise the Tongass land management plan, the document that governs activities including logging, road-building, mining, habitat restoration, and [ READ MORE... ]
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Trout Unlimited welcomes a decision by the U.S. Forest Service to protect sensitive fish habitat in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest while allowing for the expansion of a silver mine that is an important regional employer. Tongass National Forest Supervisor Forrest Cole issued a decision on Friday [ READ MORE... ]

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