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By: Nelli Williams  Trout Unlimited is supporting ballot measure 1 in Alaska, titled “An Act providing for protection of wild salmon and fish and wildlife habitat,” on which every Alaskan will have the opportunity to vote when they go to the polls on November 6.   We urge all Alaskans eligible to [ READ MORE... ]
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Heidi and a Bear Trail Lodge client with a nice Bristol Bay rainbow. Photo courtesy of Heidi Wild Re-posted from the Peninsula Clarion. By: Heidi Wild In 2018, Bristol Bay broke the record of returning wild sockeye salmon. As the rest of the state closes to salmon fishing, Bristol Bay is breaking [ READ MORE... ]
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By Jenny Weis Flying low in a DeHavilland Beaver over Bristol Bay, Alaska’s Naknek River, I could see weeds in the clear water, shallow stretches with rocks illuminated by the sun, and deeper pools hiding trout and probably a few king salmon staging to spawn. The window was to my right, and the [ READ MORE... ]
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Bristol Bay sockeye. Photo by FlyOut Media By: Nelli Williams When Alaskans go to the polls in November we will have the opportunity to vote on a ballot measure 1 called, “An Act providing for protection of wild salmon and fish and wildlife habitat.” You may have already heard of this as the [ READ MORE... ]
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By Jenny Weis The familiar routine of hooking up the boat to the hitch took only a couple minutes. By the time I was done, my friend Sam had met me at Eric’s house and I was pleased, but not surprised, to see him holding a box of donuts. We had a couple-hour drive ahead of us to meet up with Eric, [ READ MORE... ]
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By Eric Booton All too often, the next generation is distracted by the constant stream of phone and tv screens associated with daily life and misses the call of the wild. In many urban and suburban areas across the country, hunting and fishing knowledge and skills are not being taught to the next [ READ MORE... ]
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Throughout the past decade, sportfishing businesses and outfitters have played an integral role in helping fight the ill-conceived, proposed Pebble mine in the headwaters of Bristol Bay, Alaska. Business owners, guides, and members of the sportfishing industry have stood next to commercial [ READ MORE... ]
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The Kenai River, One of a Kind For both fisherman and outdoorsman alike, the Kenai River has everything to offer.  World-class fishing, breathtaking scenery, and an abundance of wildlife make it truly one of the finest outdoor destinations in the United States. Kenai River Trout fishing is world [ READ MORE... ]
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If you have the thirst for 30 inch rainbows and rivers clogged with wild salmon then you are likely familiar with the Alaskan gem known as Bristol Bay.  And if you are familiar with Bristol Bay then you likely are familiar with the Pebble Mine proposal and maybe have even submitted comments on it [ READ MORE... ]
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Colony High School teacher, Tim Lussow, is all smiles after receiving fly tying material donations to support his "Alaska Wild" course.  Photo: Eric Booton   After spending the past couple of months hosting a fly tying material donation drive for Colony High School, I have two words to share with [ READ MORE... ]

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