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http://blogs.discovery.com/animal_oddities/2013/08/bull-sharks-found-in-potomac-river.html I still remember reading a book as a boy about a bull shark that ran up a river in NJ and killed a father and son.  Watch out wet waders!  Seven feet and 500 lbs of fun coming at you.  Perhaps a new entry for [ READ MORE... ]
discussion BY chris_wood ON March 12 - 0 COMMENTS
Gordon Leisch (sp?)
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I met Gordon nearly 20 years ago when he still worked for the Department of Interior.  I remember him telling me that he had NEVER gone more than two days in a row without fishing the Potomac.  What a great guy.
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  From Animal's TPFR post... I just spoke with Gordon Leisch. He is a former marine biologist and VERY long time Potomac fall line angler.  His logs go back 50 + years. We averaged the date of the first bite for a few species.  Based on his records they are as follows.   Blue Catfish               [ READ MORE... ]
discussion BY chris_wood ON September 4 - 2 COMMENTS
Best fly for stalking carp?
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Guys, what is the best nymph for catching carp?

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