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As we enter the final days until the elections in Montana, TU is checking in with local businesses on why passing I-186 is important to them. This editorial from Stephanie Shammel, a rancher downstream of the Kendall Mine, originally appeared in the Billings Gazette. Check out our Instagram story [ READ MORE... ]
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The 5th Annual TU's Veterans Service Partnership and TAPS, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, TAPS , Montana Men's Retreat was a success. Held at Parade Rest Guest Ranch, Parade Rest Ranch , on Grayling Creek near West Yellowstone, the event brought together nearly 40 men who have lost loved [ READ MORE... ]
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We all deserve clean water. It’s not a privilege. It’s not something we should have to argue about, or beg for, or be bullied out of by big industry. It’s a right. In America, clean water is and should be a right, plain and simple.    But here in Montana, that comes with a hefty price tag for [ READ MORE... ]
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Montana has a long and complicated affair with mining.   In the last century it has brought jobs and important products to the market, supporting local economies with tax revenue. But that relationship has also come with a price tag.   In Montana nearly 10,000 miles of stream are acidic or laced [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY CodyCo ON July 28 - 0 COMMENTS
Take-a-Vet Fishing
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On Tuesday, July 25, Flathead Valley TU took 5 veterans and 2 VA counselors on a fishing trip down the Flathead River in northwestern Montana.  FVTU is proud to participate in TU's Veterans Service Partnership (VSP) and conducted this trip in support of VSP.   In addition to the fishing opportunity [ READ MORE... ]
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The Montana House of Representatives took the side of the hard rock mining industry when they voted to table a common-sense bill, HB 593, recently. HB 593, introduced by Representative Nate McConnell (D-Missoula), would have required an independent audit of mining companies every 3 years. These [ READ MORE... ]
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Montana Trout Unlimited has requested that the Forest Service withdraw certain public lands in the Smith River corridor from future mineral exploration.  “We are asking the Forest Service to initiate a withdrawal process because many Montanans are concerned that the Smith River watershed is in [ READ MORE... ]
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From Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks:   Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks opened two sections of the Yellowstone River Thursday, due to the improvement of environmental conditions that led FWP to close the river and all of its associated tributaries on Aug. 19.   On Thursday, after going over [ READ MORE... ]
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By Jack Williams When disease combines with stressful stream conditions, small problems that might typically fall under the radar screen become transformed into headline events. The Yellowstone River is a case in point.  This large-scale mountain whitefish die-off, caused by Proliferative Kidney [ READ MORE... ]
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Photo: Steven Brutger By Pat Byorth The Yellowstone River is a crown jewel among the world’s trout fisheries, but not by accident. Like most major rivers in the United States, the Yellowstone has suffered abuses of pollution, flow diversions, invasive species, and loss of floodplain.  Since the [ READ MORE... ]

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