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There was a time, a better time, or so they say, when good legislation made it through Congress on its merits. Those days, if they even existed, are long gone replaced with a modern version of political division – one so deep even good ideas easily get the boot. It’s a climate that leaves many [ READ MORE... ]
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Rio Grande Panorama new.jpeg On the morning I heard that President Obama designated the Rio Grande del Norte as a national monument, I had joined about forty people for the annual stocking of Rio Grande cutthroat fingerlings - New Mexico’s state fish - in the Rio Grande gorge. My [ READ MORE... ]
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As a fly fisherman with a weakness for high mountain creeks, I imagine sometimes that whoever designed New Mexico’s flag was inspired by her state fish. The Rio Grande cutthroat trout was painted from a more spectacular palette than the flag’s simple red and yellow. Panza colorada (red belly), as [ READ MORE... ]
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http://www.santafenewmexican.com/opinion/my_view/reader-view-preserving-open-space-in-best-american-tradition/article_f99bfb5c-07dc-50fe-bd92-5ef53c9d0c2e.html   This is a great OpEd about how public lands uses compliment each other: hunter access; public lands protection and management; and, [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY walt_gasson ON September 25 - 5 COMMENTS
The fishing place
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You’ve always wanted to fish in Patagonia. Admit it – you have. Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger, we’ve all wanted to fish the legendary water of Argentina. You’ve seen the videos, read about it, and even dreamed about it. It’s on your bucket list. So pull it out of the bucket and just go do it. We’ [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY ON September 4 - 0 COMMENTS
Healthy rivers for New Mexico
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A few weeks ago, New Mexico's Governor Susana Martinez made the much hailed step of requesting $1.5 million to help troubled streams in her state. According to the New Mexico Environment Department nearly 30 percent of streams fall short of acceptable water quality, a fact not lost on anglers. In a [ READ MORE... ]
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by Toner Mitchell According to Ryan Flynn, Secretary-Designate of the New Mexico Environment Department, approximately 30 percent of his state’s streams fall short of one or more standards for acceptable water quality. Rivers display impairments associated with erosion and associated turbidity, [ READ MORE... ]
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TAOS — The dreamcatcher is a prominent theme around Taos and northern New Mexico, whether as the name of a quaint bed and breakfast in the heart of the Enchanted Circle or the actual Native American charms said to separate good dreams from bad. Among fishermen along the nearby Rio Grande, the words [ READ MORE... ]
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As you head north out of Santa Fe on US-285 there is a prominent overpass spanning the highway. Stamped deep in its massive upper concrete support beam, in big, bold letters that cover the entire length of the four lane interchange, are the words, “Tierra Sagrada,” — “Sacred Land.” The notion of [ READ MORE... ]

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