Submitted by gmetras on Sun, 2017-04-30 13:42 Groups audience Pioneer Valley - 276 Vote Up Down +17 + gary removes hook.jpg Chapter Members Volunteer for the 54th Springfield, MA Elks Youth Fishing Derby Back to Gallery SPRINGFIELD, MA (WGGB/WSHM) - “Springfield police took park in the 54th annual youth fishing derby held by the Elks Lodge #61 and State Wild Life Staff. The derby is part of an initiative called the Cops and Bobbers, Hooks and Ladders program which teaches children in the community to enjoy the outdoors with local law enforcement. ‘The children are provided with the opportunity they wouldn’t normally have based on geography and the areas [where] they’re growing up. Hopefully we are implementing or providing them with a stable opportunity to do that,’ said Sgt. Brian Beliveau. Local organizations such as Trout Unlimited and Cabela’s donated fishing rods and prizes for the event.” Copyright 2017 Western Mass News (Meredith Corporation). All rights reserved. Nine members from Pioneer Valley Chapter #276 of Trout Unlimited volunteered their Saturday, April 29, 2017, to help the children of Springfield, Mass. learn fishing in the lower pond at the city’s Forest Park, along with volunteers from the Springfield Lodge of Elks, Springfield Police and Fire Depts., and Mass. Fish & Wildlife. More than one hundred boys and girls ages 5 – 12 enjoyed the experience, and many of them caught their first ever fish: bluegills and brook trout. For the local TV station’s newscast showing PVTU secretary Gary Metras helping a young man remove the hook from a brook trout, go to: Thanks to the following chapter members for volunteering: Ron Burkman, Terry Connolly, Jerry Eves, Jerry Fratini, Tom LeBlanc, Gary Metras, Dan Moraski, Bob Regis, and Jim Slade.