Save Bristol Bay with Nautilus Reels this month!

Pictured above: The custom Nautilus reel being offered as a prize for signing up to help protect Bristol Bay with Trout Unlimited

By: The Alaska Program

We are honored partner with our friends at Nautilus Reels to save a threatened world-class fishing destination in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Nautilus Reels will be giving away a custom "No Pebble Mine" reel to a randomly selected recipient who signs up with their email address for the first time to help protect Bristol Bay from Pebble Mine. Click here to sign up to help Save Bristol Bay and be entered to win!

Here's what Nautilus said about the giveaway:

Recognizing the enduring challenge of defending watersheds and resources, Nautilus Reels is pleased to support the efforts of Trout Unlimited’s Alaska Program and their work to protect Bristol Bay and the related ecosystems of the region with a unique customized reel.

Nautilus has created a one-of-a-kind CCF-X2 reel that features artwork and customized colors that center around opposition to the proposed Pebble Mine. Nautilus Reels aims to make a statement against Pebble Mine with the custom reel while also gathering more support for No Pebble Mine efforts. With this in mind, this unique reel will be given away to one lucky winner who signs up for Trout Unlimited’s email list at between now and June 1, 2017. Nautilus Reels is eager to help defeat the proposed mine. “The threat to Bristol Bay that Pebble Mine brings is a threat to the heart of fly fishing for salmon,” says Nautilus owner Kristen Mustad. “Nautilus Reels recognizes the need of the fly fishing community to come together to protect this area.”

With more anglers behind the cause of saving Bristol Bay, Nautilus believes we can defeat this threat to one of the fly fishing community’s most treasured ecosystems.

In southwest Alaska, rivers, lakes and wetlands combine to provide some of the best wild salmon habitat on earth. An hour and a-half flight from Anchorage, the Bristol Bay watershed, an area roughly the size of West Virginia, is nestled between two national parks (Katmai and Lake Clark), and the nation's largest state park. Bristol Bay and its watershed are famous for their beauty and bounty of fish and wildlife.

Bristol Bay sockeye salmon in the Nushagak River. Photo by Pat Clayton

With wild salmon runs disappearing from the planet, Bristol Bay is a place of international importance because of the salmon runs and the economies they support. All of this is risked by the Pebble mine and large-scale hard rock mining on adjacent public land.

Trout Unlimited requests the help of any angler or individual who values wild salmon and trout. Please tell your friends to get involved - through June 15, when you sign up to do so there's a chance to win! Click here to sign up.


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