Time to weigh in on Pebble Mine - yes, again!

By: Jenny Weis, Alaska Program

This month, we have the first formal chance to weigh in on Pebble's latest mine plan. Our comments will help ensure the proposed Pebble mine doesn’t become a reality and irreparably harm the Bristol Bay region of Alaska.

Photo: Ben Knight

In December, the Pebble Partnership applied for the first major permit it needs to construct a mine. That application is huge news because it brought Pebble one step closer to industrializing the wild and productive landscape in Bristol Bay.

More specifically, Pebble is looking to develop the first 1.2 billion tons of its nearly 11 billion-ton deposit, and set the stage to turn the Bristol Bay region into an industrial mining district criss-crossed with roads, powerlines, industrial vessels and air traffic. The company currently proposes a mine and supporting facilities that will run continuously for 20 years, but this is only phase one. (Learn more about what Pebble proposes in its latest mine plan on the Save Bristol Bay website, here.)

Click here to tell the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that Pebble’s application is inadequate and should be rejected.

Photo: B&C Beck

The Corps of Engineers has just opened its first public comment period, where it is accepting input on what it should consider as it reviews potential impacts of Pebble’s proposed mine plan. Pebble's plan would be catastrophic to the fish and waters we all love in Bristol Bay, and we need you to help make sure the Corps of Engineers holds Pebble to the highest standards possible.

Please take a moment to tell the Army Corps of Engineers that Pebble’s plan is inadequate, and they need to conduct a rigorous, scientific and public review of ALL potential impacts of Pebble mine.

This includes allowing all stakeholders - anyone who owns a business, fishes, or one day hopes to fish in Bristol Bay - to weigh in on issues Pebble could impact, like water quality, fisheries, scenery, economies, cultures, and airways of the Bristol Bay region, Cook Inlet, and impacted areas of the Kenai Peninsula.

Thank you for speaking up, and for sharing this action link with your friends and contacts. The fish, clean water, businesses, and residents of Bristol Bay are immensely grateful for your help.


As always, you can find the latest information on the effort to save Bristol Bay from Pebble Mine on our Facebook Page. 


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